Cheng Yee
South Shaolin
- Kung Fu School -
About the Sifu
Onassis Parungao "Gao Bat Long" has been practicing martial arts for over 25 yrs and had the pleasure of being an instructor at Lam Kwong Wings school in Sunnyvale, California (

During his time Gao Sifu was a senior student who aided Lam Si Gung in many demonstrations and won full contact fighting championships in his name.

Originally, Gao Sifu traveled west to further his ongoing training under Lam Si Gung. After many years of training, he decided it was time to return to his roots and share his knowledge for the benefit of the people and for the posterity of the styles. This has always been his desire.

We teach two types of Chinese martial arts, Southern Hung Gar and Tai Chi Chuan. These are both comprehensive systems, including empty-hand techniques, weapons, lion dance and internal power.

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